Thanks to all of you that showed your concern for Indigenous Peoples in 1998 by supporting the work of Abya Yala Fund!
Thanks to our great team of volunteers and interns
Special thanks to Gina Cadenasso, Gilles Combrisson, Kerin Gould and Billy Trice, Jr.And thanks to each of the individuals who show your support with financial donations.
Finally, a special thanks to the foundations that supported AYF in 1998:
Atkinson Foundation, Foundation for Deep Ecology, Funding Exchange, Goldman Foundation, Greenville Foundation, He-Shan World Fund, La Fetra Operating Foundation, El Norte Foundation, Public Welfare Foundation, Share Our Strength, Solidago Foundation, Threshold Foundation, Unity Avenue Foundation.
Support Abya Yala!
ABYA YALA in the Kuna Indian language means Continents of Life, their name for the Americas. Over the past 500 years, for Indigenous Peoples, the landscape has resembled Continents of Death.Even today, more than 40 Indigenous Nations of Meso and South America currently face extinction. We all now know that the long-term impacts of environmental destruction, concentration of wealth and power in fewer hands, and the genocide of traditional cultures will affect all of us.
In response, Indigenous Peoples have been developing strategies of resistance and self-development initiatives. Yet, we know that to be successful, this struggle must be a collective one.
We ask you to join us. Invest in Abya Yala Fund's work to revitalize our traditions and restore the planet. The living traditions of Indigenous Peoples hold promise for all of us, to help guide us toward a world of justice in harmony with itself. Please donate today and support the Indigenous People of Abya Yala as they restore our Continents of Life. And know that you are investing in a better world for them, for you and for generations to come.
YES, I wish to join in your efforts to promote Indigenous self-development and human rights, and to rebuild our Continents of Life.
I choose to become a partner of AYF and contribute (Quarterly, Biannually, Monthly)
Each time, I will contribute $______.
(Please be sure your yearly total is at least $100).I choose to send a single gift of:
___$25 ___$50 ___$100 ___$333 ___$500 ___$1,000 Other_______Please make your tax deductible checks out to:
Abya Yala Fund/Tides Center
678 13th Street, Suite 100
Oakland, CA 94612
ph. (510) 763-6553, fax (510) 763-6588You can also go to our Join AYF page to send your pledge online, and we will get in touch with you.
Or Email us at
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